Customer relation > CRM activity > Projects 

Use this function to manage projects, which may also be referred to as "opportunities" or other various terms ...

These translate to the same basic concept. Their objective is to manage the characteristics and stages in a sales cycle.


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Screen management

A project is also a special location for the creation and tracking of quotes.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 2

Block number 1

 This field indicates the site from which the project is mainly managed.

  • Sequence no. (field OPPNUM)

This field is by default associated to an automatic functioning sequence number counter. Consequently, the user should not normally concern him/herself with its contents.

  • Description (field OPPDESAXX)

The user must enter a brief description here on the nature of the project. The true detailed description of all these characteristics must be made using the Comments function in the File menu.

If the project is generated from a service request, a contextual menu "Service request" is used to inquire the characteristics of the request to be financed.

 It is possible to identify a project for all the different business partner types. A field displayed with regard to the BPs makes it possible to know the BP type selected.

This field specifies the currency used in all the financial fields for the project.
A change to the code in this field will be instantaneously transferred to the different project fields.

  • External ident. (field OPPEXTNUM)


 This field is used to identify the principal contact at the business partner with whom most of the relations will be made. A project can also be identified directly with a contact. In this case no business partner is identified. Several "Contact" selection tools are available from the "Contact" field.

  • The first contextual menu named "Selection" is used to select a contact among those having a link to the BP mentioned. If no BP is entered, this function returns nothing.
  • The second contextual menu named "Contacts" allows the direct access to the Contact object from which a choice can be made.
  • The third contextual menu named "Select Contact" is used to select a contact from the complete list of all the contacts entered in the application.
  • field OPPMCNNAM




Tab Project


This tab gives the principal characteristics of the project.

The lower part contains marketing information.

When the project arises from a marketing operation, it is pertinent to indicate in this screen both the marketing campaign and the operation at the origin of this knowledge.

This information will feed the Crystal Report documents on the analysis of the marketing campaign returns rate. As far as the project is concerned, this is particularly important in order to calculate the profitability of the marketing campaigns.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 5


This field is used to identify the sales representative principally in charge of the management of this project.

The category is used to group or distinguish the affairs for the purposes of statistics or identification.

  • Opening date (field OPPDATOPN)


  • Conclusion date (field OPPCDA)

This field must contain the date at which it will be possible to conclude the project.

This field specifies the phase reached by the project.

  • Since (field STRSTE)

This field which is not available for entry is automatically entered from the loading of the "Before-sales stages" and "After sales stages" tabs. They translate the actual stage of the project.

  • Number of quotes (field OPPNBQ)

This inaccessible field displays the number of quotes already generated for the project. This is loaded on the creation and the deletion of the quotes for a project.

Financial elements

  • Estimated amount (field OPPAMT)

This field must contain the probable amount for the expected prospect/customer order.

  • Project release probability (%) (field PBYPRJ)

 This field represents the percentage probability that the prospect/customer project will actually lead to an order. A "Weighted amount" field, displayed opposite this, contains the weighted estimated amount by the project release probability.

  • Weighted amount (field PBYPRJAAM)


  • Success probability (%) (field OPPSUC)

This field represents the percentage probability of what the prospect/customer will select to carry out the project. A "Weighted amount" field, displayed in parallel, contains the weighted estimated amount by the success probability.

  • Weighted amount (field OPPAAM)


Block number 3

  • Double weighting (field DAM)

This field which is not available for entry, displays the weighting on the estimated amount that results from the two different calculation methods.

  • Cumulated double weighting: The amount displayed results from the following calculation :
    T = AE x (PRP / 100)
    DPC = T x (SP / 100)
  • Double weighting by average: The amount displayed results from the following calculation :
    T = (PRP + SP) / 2
    DPA = AE x (T / 100)
    DPC : Cumulated double weighting
    DPA : Double weighting by average
    EA : Estimated amount.
    PRP : Project release probability
    SP : Success probability.
    T: Buffer
  • By average (field DAMAVE)

This fields determines the amount displayed in the "Double weighting" field. If this field is ticked, the system carries out a double weighting by average. The amount displayed results from the following calculation:

  • T = (PRP + SP) / 2
  • DPA = AE x (T / 100)

Meaning of the symbols:

- DPM (DWA): Double weighting by average
- ME (EA): Estimated amount.
- PLP (PRP): Project release probability
- CR (SP): Success probability.
- T (B): BUFFER.

  • Cumulated (field DAMCUM)

This fields determines the amount displayed in the "Double weighting" field. If this field is ticked, the system carries out a cumulated double weighting. The amount displayed results from the following calculation:

  • T = AE x (PRP / 100)
  • DPC = T x (SP / 100)

Meaning of the symbols:
- DPC (CDW): Cumulated double weighting
- ME (EA): Estimated amount.
- PLP (PRP): Project release probability
- CR (SP): Success probability.
- T (B): BUFFER.


  • Project type (field OPPPRPTYP)


  • Date created (field CREDAT)


  • Time (field CREHOU)


  • Method (field OPPORILIB)


  • Created by (field FULNAMUSR)


  • Link (field OPPORITXT)

This field displays the action at the origin of the project creation. It can be one of the following elements:

  • Manual creation (displayed value, for example when the project is created from the Appointmentsfunction)
  • Mass-mailing
  • Call campaign
  • Media campaign
  • Service request
  • Marketing campaign

Example: If this action is a marketing action, you can link it to a marketing operation in order to load the return statistics of the campaign. Click Marketing operations from the Actionsicon to associate the project to the required operation.

Regardless of the origin of the project, you can click the Actionsicon to unlock a posteriori the field and modify the origin. For example, when attaching a project to a marketing campaign, the return statistics of this campaign are loaded.

  • Document no. (field OPPORIVCR)




Tab Competitors


Use this tab to enter the list of all the competitors present on the project.

For each competitor, you can enter:

  • the price applied by the competitor for an equal service,
  • strengths and weaknesses.



The following fields are present on this tab :


 This field is used to enter the list of all the competitors present on the project.

  • Competitor amount (field CPPAMT)

 This field is used to enter the price granted by the competitor for equal quality and services.

  • Strengths (field ASE)

This field is used to describe all the assets of the competitors towards the project.

  • Weaknesses (field SHC)

This field is used to describe all the weaknesses of the competitors towards the project.


Tab Stages before-sale


Use this tab to detail the history of the sales cycle evolution for a given project. Each step is shown with a start date, a stage description and an end of stage reason.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Date (field ENDDAT)

This free entry field is used to enter a stage start or end end date.

Use this field to specify the successive steps reached by the project.
A new step can be automatically created. The creation of a pre-sales step is defined as automatic in the setup of miscellaneous table 400 - Project step, via the following information: Step type (local menu 2973).

Setup example for Table 400 - Project step:



Short title


Step type


Project detected



First stage of a sales cycle


Quote quoted



 Sending of a quote







Project won



Project gained


Project aborted



Project abandoned


Project lost



Project lost

Depending on the setup of this table, some step types can be automatically created:

  • First stage of a sales cycle
    When creating a project: if there is, in the table, a step associated with step type 'First stage of a sales cycle', the first step is automatically created.
    If this step type is associated with various steps, the first step in increasing order of code is taken into account.
    If this step type is not associated with any step, the step must be entered manually, since the first step is mandatory.
    In the current example, step 'Project detected' is automatically created.

  • Sending of a quote
    When creating a quote associated with the project: if there is, in the table, a step associated with step type 'Sending of a quote', the step is automatically created and the number of quotes is updated.
    If this step type is associated with various steps, the first step in increasing order of code is taken into account.
    If this step type is not associated with any step, no automatic creation is triggered.
    In the current example, step 'Quoted' is automatically created.
    SEEINFO In the case where an automatic creation is implemented for quotes, a quote can be created in relation to a project, even though this project has been closed. In this case, it is automatically opened again.
  • Negotiation
    When creating a call, task or appointment: if there is, in the table, a step associated with step type 'Negotiation', the step is automatically created.
    If this step type is associated with various steps, the first step in increasing order of code is taken into account.
    If this step type is not associated with any step, no automatic creation is triggered.
    In the current example, step 'Negotiation' is automatically created.
  • Project gained
    When creating the first order: if there is, in the table, a step associated with step type 'Project gained', the step is automatically created and the project status switches to 'Won'.
    From then on, no more pre-sales steps are automatically created. The new steps are after-sales steps for which there is no automatic creation.
    If this step type is associated with various steps, the first step in increasing order of code is taken into account.
    If this step type is not associated with any step, no automatic creation is triggered.
    In the current example, step 'Project won' is automatically created and the project status switches to 'Won'.
    SEEINFO In the case where an automatic creation is implemented for orders, an order can be created in relation to a project, even though this project has been closed. In this case, it is automatically opened again.
  • No step
  • Project lost
  • Project abandoned

    These step types are not automatically created. The steps must be created manually.

Additional details about the setup of miscellaneous table 400 - Project step

  • (1) Closing:
    Use this field to specify whether the project must be closed or not at this step.

  • Phase end (field DON)

When this check box is selected, it is used to indicate that a stage is over. You can then enter a stage end reason.

  • Reason (field REN)

The Reason of the end of stage can be entered only if the stage is 'Completed'.
You can either enter a free text or select it from the list of end of stage reasons. A list of actual reasons is available for each step. This list both comes from the setup of miscellaneous table 400 and miscellaneous table 419, based on the following principle:

  • Miscellaneous table 400 contains the list of after-sales stages, each identified by a code.
  • Miscellaneous table 419 contains the list of before-sales reasons. In the setup of this table, you can specify the before-sales stage one specific reason applies to. The stage code is specified at the Short description level of the reason.


  • Table 400 - Project stages:



Short title


Step type


Project detected



No associated action


Quote quoted



 No associated action





No associated action

  • Table 419 - Before-sales reasons:



Short title


Budget accepted



Internal agreement reached



No offer adapted



Management validation


On entering reasons with a 'Complete' stage:

  • For the BPR - quoted stage, the list of suggested reasons is as follows:
    - 'Budget accepted'
    - 'Internal agreement reached'
    - 'Management validation'
  • For the ADP - Detected project stage, only the reason 'No adapted offer' is set up so as to apply to this stage. It is thus selected automatically.
  • For the CNE - Negotiation stage, no reason is set up so as to apply to this stage. No list is therefore suggested upon entry.
  • Document no. (field STEORIVCR)


  • Step line (field STELIN)




Action icon

Standard rerouting action




Tab Post-sales Steps


Use this to detail the history of the implementation steps required for a given project. It is strictly for information purposes only.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Date (field ENDDATX)

This field is used to enter a stage start date. It is the date to which the project has entered the new stage.

Use this field to specify the successive steps reached by the project.
The after-sales steps are defined in miscellaneous table: 421 - After-sales steps.

Setup example for Table 421 - After-sales steps



Short title

In before-sales


Specifications drafted




Development of the solution




Solution received




Post-receipt modifications




Signed Receipt



Additional details about the miscellaneous table setup:

(1) In pre-sales field

After-sales steps should be created at a date at least equal to the highest step in pre-sales. The In pre-sales field with the value 'No' is used to comply to this rule.

In some cases, it may be necessary to begin the after-sales steps at the same time as the before-sales steps. For example, the drafting of specifications can begin before signing the order, to allow negotiations to progress.

When the In before-sales field is set to 'Yes', the rule can be contradicted. The dates of these after-sales steps are not controlled in compliance with before-sales steps. The only constraint is that the date must be greater than the opening date.

This control is performed upon saving.


If miscellaneous table 421 is set up as described above.

If the greatest date of the after-sales step is:






Project detected

If you enter the following after-sales steps with the dates:






Development of the solution



Specifications drafted



Solution received



Post-receipt modifications

Since the field In before-sales for the D1 Post-receipt modifications step is set to 'No', this step cannot be at a date (13/01/2015) prior to the highest date if the after-sales steps (14/01/2015).

Since the field In before-sales for the A1 Drafting specifications step is set to 'Yes', this step cannot be at a date (10/01/2015) prior to the highest date if the after-sales steps (14/01/2015).

  • Phase end (field DONX)

When this check box is selected, it is used to indicate that a stage is over. You can then enter an after-sales stage end reason.

  • Reason (field RENX)

The Reason of the end of stage can be entered only if the stage is 'Completed'.
You can either enter the requested text or select it from the list of end of stage reasons. A list of reasons is available for each step. This list both comes from the setup of miscellaneous table 421 and miscellaneous table 420, based on the following principle:

  • Miscellaneous table 421 contains the list of after-sales stages, each identified by a code.
  • Miscellaneous table 420 contains the list of after-sales reasons. In the setup of this table, you can specify the after-sales stage one specific reason applies to. The stage code is specified at the Short description level of the reason.


  • Table 421 -After-sales stages:



Short title

In before-sales


Specifications drafted












Project end



  • Table 420 - After-sales reasons:



Short title


Specifications validated



Development completed



Corrections carried out



Customer presentation


On entering reasons with a 'Complete' stage:

  • For the C1 - Modifications stage, the list of suggested reasons is as follows:

    - 'Corrections carried out'
    - 'Customer presentation'
  • For the A1 - Drafting specifications stage, only the reason 'Specifications validated' is set up so as to apply to this stage. It is thus selected automatically.
  • For the D1 - Project end stage, no reason is set up so as to apply to this stage. No list is therefore suggested upon entry.



Tab Associated Projects


The following fields are present on this tab :


The user has available two different methods when identifying linked projects or the implementation of an initial project:

  • Method 1: Modify the initial project and add new information to it.
  • Method 2: Create a new project with its own characteristics, then associate this new project with the initial project.
    This field is used to apply this method. The code for the new project can be entered here.
    This method is recommended: it makes it possible to keep the history of the successive extensions to the initial project.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 OPPOR1 : Portfolio/phase

 OPPOR2 : Portfolio/representative

 OPPOR3 : Closed projects/phase

 OPPOR4 : Closed projects/rep.

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu Bar

See the help in the Quote creation menu.

Menu Bar

Functions / Quote Creation

Click this action to open the Quotes function and manage the quotes related to the project. After opening the function, the selection panel only displays the list of quotes which have already been created for the project.

When the list is empty, you will be creating the first quote of the Project:

  • Click New from the Actions panel.
    Most fields on the quote are loaded automatically. The project code is automatically recovered for instance. Only the Shipping site, Tax rule and possibly the Payment condition fields need to be entered to make sure the quote is correctly entered.
  • You can then enter the lines.

If quotes have already been created for this project, your next step can either by a creation, duplication or simple inquiry action.

To duplicate a quote, select a quote and enter a new distinct key code. The correct recalculation of a key in conformity with the sequence number counter associated with the quote will be carried out on the creation of the quote.


Click this action to plan an Appointment.

Plan / Actions / Call

Click this action to plan a Call.

Plan / Actions / Task

Click this action to plan a Task.

Save / Actions / Appointment

Click this action to record an Appointment.

Save / Actions / Call

Click this action to record a Call.

Save / Actions / Task

Click this action to record a Task.

Save / Actions / Service Request

Click this action to record a Service request.


The import of projects is not supported by Sage X3.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

This project has already been entered.

This message is displayed when you attempt to associate the same project more than once with an initial project.

You cannot associate a project with itself

This message is displayed when you enter the current project code in the associated project table.

Tables used

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